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The Opening

In the night that surrounded by sorrow, I lay down in my bed, feel the comfort of soft sheet. My parents lived so far away from here, but I know they’re happy there, so it’s okay to stay without them. My little sister that lived here, in the same place, not talk too much with me frequently. I declare, silent is my best friend, at least for this couple weeks. Everything were blended together, recently. Like a big hurricane, like a soft flow that drag me away somewhere. My faith, aim, passion, happiness, pride, conciousness, wrecked. Altough cheessy, I’m not afraid to say that I had the worst part in my life. bitterness that I cannot spit, sound that can’t voiced, stertorous that cruel cannot be taken out. Like savor the deepest loneliness and emptyness.

In my recent journey to west, but I’m not looking for that epic about ‘scripture’, I found some of my species that asked too much about anything, everything. Even about the world creature, Creator. Found an answer like count for maths and econometrics, with regression, and proving that looked. Kind a new horizon of thinking for me, but I don’t know why, I still love God for the most. In my rebellion and inquity to Him that often happen, I found a magnificient feeling that couldn’t describe by whatsoever thing. But the most simple thing I want to say, is that He makes me not afraid of anything, He makes me always able to stongly convince myself that everything will be okay. He guide me to be a better person without any direct judgement, He accept me for whoever I am. His almighty let me do love him in a simple way, but reversely He loves me with His enormous power.

Then, in the same journey, I went to library in Scandinavian with my ‘ideological’ friend that pursued me to read commentation of Quran. He explained his melancholy feeling, unusually, that he’s one of the most logical person that I know.

On those lines of text, I forgot everything. My sorrow, dubiety, and vanity. It was too easy make me fascinated on the gorgeous writtings. I can fall in love like for first time when read the opening of many kinds of book. But I'm really sure, that I won’t fascinated by ‘the other’ opening, after that time.

This opening translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, I can pronounce it well in that native language from the time that I was 3 and I know the translation in Bahasa. Indeed, I can sing the song of that.

I always know that as Al-Fatihah, the frabjous opening.

The Opening

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Master of the Day of Judgment.
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,
those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

I heart Allah
Jogjakarta, March 6 2011


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